09 November 2023

Learmonth netballers can take their game to the next level thanks to the completion of court and lighting upgrades at the Learmonth Recreation Reserve, backed by the Victorian Government.

Member for Ripon Martha Haylett today joined City of Ballarat Mayor Des Hudson and members of the Learmonth Football Netball Club to officially open the new facilities, which received a $250,000 investment from the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.

The former facilities were deteriorating and struggling to cater to the growing demand on the cracked and ageing courts.

The upgrades have delivered two new netball competition-standard courts featuring LED sports lighting, new perimeter fencing, and a new player and spectator shelter.

The new 200 lux lighting opens up the venue to twilight training and night competitions, while providing a safe, functional facility for the local clubs. The additional court space also allows for more flexibility and efficiency with scheduling games and increases participation opportunities, particularly for women and girls.

It’s now the perfect base for the club to build on numbers and host more competitions.

The Victorian Budget 2023/24 is providing more than $213 million to deliver and improve community sports infrastructure and support initiatives that boost participation and inclusion in local sports clubs and organisations. It’s part of more than $1.9 billion invested in community sport and recreation infrastructure since 2014.

Martha Haylett MP acknowledged the City of Ballarat for its financial contribution of more than $530,000 and committment to delivering the project.

For more information about infrastructure grant opportunities available through the Victorian Government visit sport.vic.gov.au.

Quotes attributable to Member for Ripon Martha Haylett 

“Sport plays such a vital role in our rural and regional communities, and investments like this are making our local clubs even stronger and more inclusive for all.”

“The brand-new netball courts in Learmonth are a big deal for the community and will boost participation even more among local women and girls.”