02 November 2022

Families in Maryborough will enjoy a new sports surfaces and amenities at JH Hedges Memorial Park and female friendly sports facilities at Princes Park, thanks to a re-elected Andrews Labor Government.

Labor will invest $450,000 towards a netball court upgrade with improved lighting and seating at Royal Park Football Netball Club and $550,000 towards female friendly changerooms extension at Princes Park in Maryborough.

Sport is the lifeblood of our community, bringing together families, friends and neighbours.

Local clubs work hard to fundraise for better facilities and it’s important they have a government that backs them.

That’s why Labor is investing in local sports clubs, delivering better sports grounds and spaces for our community.

We have invested more than $1.6 billion to upgrade and improve local recreation reserves and sports grounds – making them better for local families.

We’ve delivered better courts and grounds, new scoreboards, lighting upgrades and changing facilities for clubs in every corner of the state.

Only Labor will deliver upgrades for JH Hedges Memorial Park and Princes Park in Maryborough – because only Labor will do what matters.

Quote attributable to Minister for Sport Steve Dimopoulos

“This redevelopment is a great example of how Labor is making sport more inclusive for all, and particularly the growing number of women and girls playing sport.”

 “Local sporting clubs are the centre of local communities – it’s why we’re investing in upgrades and improvements, so more local kids get active locally.”

Quotes attributable to Labor candidate for Ripon Martha Haylett

“Upgrading JH Hedges Memorial Park and Princes Park is a great example of how the Andrews Labor Government is making sport more accessible and inclusive for all Victorians.”

“A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will back the Bushys at Royal Park Football Netball Club with $450,000 towards court upgrades and $550,000 for extended female friendly changerooms at Princes Park.”